SEI Investments Canada Company (“SEI Canada”) is pleased to announce the launch of U.S. All Cap Equity Index Fund (the “Fund”).


The Fund seeks to achieve a return that is similar to the performance of the MSCI USA Investable Market Index. David Hintz will manage the Fund, with the underlying strategy managed by State Street Global Advisors, Ltd. (“State Street”). The Fund will be used in SEI Canada’s asset allocation funds alongside a variety of actively managed investments.

David Hintz, CFA, an employee of SEI Investments Management Corporation ("SIMC"), serves as portfolio manager to all of SEI’s U.S. large capitalization equity strategies. In this role, he is responsible for ongoing portfolio management, capital market research, and the ongoing evaluation and allocation of equity managers and capital. Prior to his time at SEI, David worked at Russell Investments for nearly 30 years, serving in various roles including Research Analyst, Head of U.S. Equity Research, and Portfolio Manager. While at Russell, he initiated the launch of the Russell Defensive Indexes that combine low-volatility and quality factors. He earned a Bachelor of Science from Walla Walla University and a Master of Business from Pacific Lutheran University. David is a CFA charterholder.

State Street is one of the largest global investment managers, with a long history of successful passive implementations. The firm combines a highly refined process with a team-based approach that lends itself to strong continuity and low key-person risk. The indexing business is scalable, and State Street has made significant investments in infrastructure that afford it the ability to customize indexes based on client needs without incurring additional fixed costs. State Street frequently collaborates with index providers, allowing for greater insight into index construction methodology, which should give the firm an advantage in replicating a target index as accurately as possible.

State Street pursues risk and returns matching a strategy’s benchmark; thus, there are no expected alpha sources. Within tight tracking tolerances, factors such as cash flows, security misweights, futures, index reconstitutions, tax withholding or cash drag may influence relative performance. State Street leverages its deep resources to execute an indexing process that has proven successful in minimizing tracking error. The investment team employs a replication approach for this strategy and collaborates with index providers to resolve any discrepancies or inefficiencies. It is worth noting that the firm does not increase tracking error to add alpha during events such as index reconstitutions or corporate actions.


Alpha is a measure of performance on a risk-adjusted basis, calculated by a comparison of the volatility of the portfolio versus its benchmark on a risk-adjusted basis. A positive alpha of 1.0 means the fund outperformed its benchmark index by 1%, while a negative alpha indicates underperformance.

Alpha source is a term used by SEI as part of our internal classification system to categorize and evaluate investment managers in an effort to build diversified fund portfolios. An alpha source is the investment approach that an active investment manager takes in an effort to generate excess returns relative to a benchmark.

A corporate action is an event carried out by a company that materially impacts its stakeholders (e.g. shareholders or creditors). Common corporate actions include the payment of dividends, stock splits, tender offers, and mergers and acquisitions

Replication approach finds the value of an asset by replicating its cash flow and price movement using other assets whose values are already known.

Tracking error reflects how closely the returns of a fund or portfolio follows its benchmark (usually an index). If tracking error is measured historically, it is referred to as “ex-post tracking error.” If a model is used to predict future tracking error, it is called “ex-ante tracking error.”

Important information

SEI Investments Canada Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of SEI Investments Company, is the Manager of the SEI Funds in Canada. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

The portfolio managers or the allocations of assets to a particular portfolio manager are subject to change from time to time at SEI’s discretion.