Mar Vista Investment Partners, LLC (MV) has been added to the SEI Canada’s U.S. Large Company Equity Fund.

We find MV’s consistent adherence to the stability alpha source based on deep research attractive. We also like the fact that MV has the benefits of a relatively small firm, but also has sufficient critical mass of AUM to provide financial stability and resourcing.

Addition of Mar Vista

What They Do

MV takes a balanced, disciplined approach to large-cap investing. The investment team’s strategy focuses on sustainable drivers of returns over longer investment horizons. MV seeks to add value through quality growth and stability of fundamentals.

Mar Vista’s philosophy can be described as quality growth, leaning primarily on stability of fundamentals but with a nod to stable value through its valuation sensitivity. The strategy’s foremost objective is to own high-quality businesses that will benefit from stable compounding over a long period of time, but it seeks to do so only when stock prices trade at a sufficient discount to intrinsic value such that they will help prevent error and provide opportunity for strong returns.

How They Do It

MV’s investment process relies on a disciplined adherence to the stability alpha-source. Factors such as a hyper-focus on economic moat and intrinsic value govern its portfolio decision making process.

The investment process is designed to attain stability through a low portfolio turnover and a long time horizon. The strategic growth objective is to own high-quality businesses that benefit from stable compounding over long periods of time. Therefore, the investment team emphasizes companies that demonstrate earnings growth stability and lower beta and volatility.


About MV

Los-Angeles-based MV is a 100% employee-owned investment boutique founded in 2007 as a spin-off of Roxbury Capital Management (Roxbury). In 2010, M&T bought Wilmington Trust (which owned Roxbury) and eventually decided to sell its stake in Roxbury. In 2015, the employees of MV bought Roxbury from M&T at an attractive price using personal capital. As of March 23, 2018, the firm had more than US$2.51 billion in assets under management.

Glossary of Financial Terms

Alpha source: Alpha source is a term used by SEI as part of our internal classification system to categorize and evaluate investment managers in order to build diversified fund portfolios. An alpha source is the investment approach taken by an active investment manager in an effort to generate excess returns. Another way to define an alpha source is that it is the inefficiency that an active investment manager seeks to exploit in order to add value.

Beta: Beta is a measure of sensitivity to movements in the market. High beta stocks are more sensitive to movements in the broad market. Low-beta stocks are less sensitive.

SEI Investments Canada Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of SEI Investments Company, is the Manager of the SEI Funds in Canada. The information contained herein is for general and educational information purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal, tax, accounting, securities, research or investment advice regarding the Funds or any security in particular, nor an opinion regarding the appropriateness of any investment. This information should not be construed as a recommendation to purchase or sell a security, derivative or futures contract. You should not act or rely on the information contained herein without obtaining specific legal, tax, accounting and investment advice from an investment professional. This material represents an assessment of the market environment at a specific point in time and is not intended to be a forecast of future events, or a guarantee of future results. There is no assurance as of the date of this material that the securities mentioned remain in or out of the SEI Funds. The portfolio managers or the allocations of assets to a particular portfolio manager are subject to change from time to time at the Manager’s discretion. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus or other offering documents before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.