Rich Carr, CFA, has been named Portfolio Manager for the following SEI Funds:

  • SIIT World Equity ex-US Fund
  • SEI Canada’s International Equity Fund

In this role, he will be responsible for the analysis and selection of equity sub-advisors in the Funds.

Rich joined SEI in 2014 and was most recently the Director of U.S. Equity on SEI’s Manager Research team. Previously, he worked for MFP Strategies and Brinker Capital.

He earned a Bachelor of Science with a major in finance and minor in economics from the University of Delaware.

Rich is a CFA charter holder and a member of the CFA Institute.

















Important information

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Information provided in the U.S by SEI Investments Managements Corporation, a federally registered investment adviser and wholly owned subsidiary of SEI Investments Company.

Information provided in Canada by SEI Investments Canada Company, the Manager of the SEI Funds in Canada.